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Send an e-mail to  HYPERLINK "mailto:org-rerc@csub.edu" rerc@csub.edu or call (661) 654-2381. Principal Investigator: Email: Department: Telephone: Project Title: IACUC Proposal No. 1. Event Date:  2. Severity of Event: Moderate Severe Fatal 3. Is this event related to the research or educational activity covered by the protocol?  Related Possibly Related Not Related 4. Description of event (include location). 5. Cause of event. 6. Outcome of event. CHANGES NECESSITATED BY ADVERSE EVENT/INJURY In your opinion, does this adverse event/injury require a change in the protocol? Yes No If yes, please attach a proposed protocol modification.  Review of adverse event (date and description):   This adverse event report filed with protocol no further action required  Reported to IACUC for review and action This report filed at end of authorization period with no adverse events to report. 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