Academic Technology
Servicing campus hardware and software needs to foster academic growth.
Smart and Flex Classrooms
Campus Flex Rooms are Zoom ready allowing easy access to remote guests or students in the class though Zoom. For a feature overview and some quick how to videos for the controls, visit our Smart and Flex Classrooms feature page.

Distant Learning and Video on Demand
Distant Learning on campus is offered in a variety of modes. Some are singular and others even combine multiple systems. The most used systems are Canvas, and Instructional Television (ITV).
Courses utilize a lot of video in both distant and local learning. To accommodate the high video demand the campus offers a video on demand service called . Panopto is an internal video hosting platform available to all campus members. You can upload just about any video format. Viewing is only available to other on campus members.

Computer Labs and Photo ID
Campus computer labs range from specialty labs to general use. General use labs and the Virtual lab is available to our campus on a first come first serve basis. We provide the special software needed to complete academic goals for use in these labs.
In these labs you can find tools such as the Office 365 suite, Zoom, Adobe Creative Cloud, science and mathematical analytic software, cad solutions, and recreational software. Some labs may contain different specialty software than others. Please contact or visit one of the campus computer labs to find out if the software you need is available to use for free.
Photo ID and the Technology Engagement Center are located in Computer Lab A on the lower level of the Walter Stiern Library. If you need an ID please visit us there or head to the Photo ID web page to get a new one.

ITS and Event Support
Live audio and video service is provided to campus departments, clubs, and organizations at reduced rates compared to off campus solutions. ITS event equipment can be rented and range from simple setups to live staffed support. More information can be found on the ITS Events page.