The Summer Undergraduate Research Experience gives 裸聊直播 students a chance to participate in hands-on research alongside faculty from the School of Natural Sciences, Mathematics and Engineering.
2022 project descriptions:
- Biology: The effect of exotic annual grasses on California shrubs and ecosystems
- Biology: Plant biology research in anatomy: The ecology and evolution of California plants
- Biology: How to Escape Your Predators in 5 Not so Easy Steps: Predator Responses in the Rough Skinned Newt, Taricha granulosa
- Biology: Terrestrial-aquatic connections: Plastic pollution in the environment and interactions with animals
- Biology: Bracken fern effects on species interactions and biodiversity
- Biology: Role of dens in perpetuating an epidemic of sarcoptic mange in endangered San Joaquin kit foxes
- CEECS: Security threat from thermal sensors that deteriorate the energy consumption of cloud computing data centers
- Engineering: Computational Modeling and Simulations of Complex Chemical Systems for STEM Learning
- Engineering: A Direct Contact Steam Generation-Based Process and Engineering Design for Generating Pressurized but CO2-free Steam
- Engineering: Improving Forest Management: Steam Hydrogasification of Hazardous Woody Fuel for Energy and Resource Recovery
- Geology: Searching for pieces of the lunar mantle in a lunar meteorite
- Mathematics: Connecting 3-D printing, Visualization, Optical Illusions, Vectors, Matrices, and Combinatorics

SURE 2022 Projects
Below, you will find videos, posters and other materials relating to each of the 12 projects completed in August 2022, the second year of the program.
Dr. Lucas Hall
"Role of dens in perpetuating an epidemic of sarcoptic mange in endangered San Joaquin kit foxes"
Since 2013, the CSUS-Endangered Species Recovery Program (ESRP) have been battling an epidemic of sarcoptic mange in endangered San Joaquin kit foxes. This disease is caused by a skin mite that is 100% fatal in kit foxes if not treated. To date, only foxes living in urban areas have been affected. The CSUSESRP has treated over 300 kit foxes, but without further understanding of mange transmission between foxes or other species, it will be difficult to stay ahead of future outbreaks.
In a joint effort with the CSUS-ESRP, we are seeking support to quantify the potential spread of mange associated with dens used by foxes in the urban environment. Shared use of dens may be the primary mode of mite transmission among kit foxes. We will try to determine whether shared den use is sufficient for sustaining a mange epidemic. This project will help determine whether additional strategies (e.g., treating dens) may be necessary to protect kit foxes from mange.
Three main tasks are proposed: 1. Capture kit foxes living in Bakersfield and fit them with GPS collars to locate dens and determine the number of different dens used by each fox and the frequency of den switching鈥攚ill be led by CSUSESRP and 裸聊直播 supported. 2. Monitor each den used by a collared fox to determine the number of other foxes using that den during the period of potential mite transmission (approximately 7 days following use by an infested fox)鈥攚ill be 裸聊直播 led and CSUS-ESRP supported. 3. Continue trapping and treating kit foxes with mange as we become aware of them鈥攚ill be CSUS-ESRP led and 裸聊直播 supported.

Dr. Amber Stokes
"How to Escape Your Predators in 5 Not so Easy Steps: Predator Responses in the Rough Skinned Newt, Taricha granulosa"
Salamanders and other amphibians often have very few defenses to protect them from predators. The rough-skinned newt is one amphibian that has a variety of mechanisms to attempt to ward off potential predators. Newts are highly toxic and have the same toxin found in pufferfish. Additionally, these newts have brightly colored bellies, that serve as warning coloration. This is a similar function that the black and yellow stripes on bees serve. Newts will arch their backs in a behavior referred to as unken reflex to show off this bright coloration to predators, while also making themselves more difficult to swallow! In addition, we have recently found that newts glow (biofluoresce, technically)! This may also serve an anti-predator function. This summer students will learn to quantify tetrodotoxin using a Competitive Inhibition Enzymatic Immunoassay, investigate environmental factors that influence the unken reflex, try to better understand and quantify glowing skin in newts, and even measure the newts' stress levels in response to changes in their environment.

Dr. Rae McNeish
"Terrestrial-aquatic connections: Plastic pollution in the environment and interactions with animals"
The increase in global plastic production has led to an accumulation of plastic pollution in terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems worldwide. There is significant concern about the potential effects of plastics on terrestrial and aquatic organisms since plastics have toxic additives, can wound animals, and can become entangled in the digestive tract, irritating animal digestive tissues. Recent studies have shown that plastic pollution is abundant in freshwater and terrestrial ecosystems, but assessments of plastic sources and interactions with animals in freshwaters and terrestrial habitats are lacking. Students will investigate plastic pollution in freshwater and terrestrial habitats and interactions with fish, macroinvertebrates, and kit foxes. Students will conduct fieldwork and lab work to learn how to sample freshwater habitats, identify fish and macroinvertebrates, and become familiar with lab techniques for processing samples (e.g., microscopy, dissections, chemical digestions). Participating students will develop teamwork and science communication skills while discovering how research into plastics can be used to create a framework for managing plastic pollution in terrestrial and freshwater habitats.

Dr. Brandon Pratt
"The effect of exotic annual grasses on California shrubs and ecosystems"
California has experienced widespread invasion of annual grasses throughout low to mid-elevation habitats. These grasses replace native vegetation and transform ecosystem function. One hypothesis is that, following grass invasion, local habitats become drier and warmer compared to non-invaded shrublands, and that this has a negative effect on isolated native shrubs growing among the grasses. We will test this at 裸聊直播 at the on-campus reserve known as the Environmental Studies Area. We will make measurements of soil moisture and temperature, and air temperature in plots that are invaded by grasses compared to those occupied by shrubs. The prediction is that the soil and air are hotter and drier in areas dominated by grasses compared to those with abundant shrubs. Moreover, these hotter and drier conditions are expected to trigger stomatal closure and limit photosynthesis of shrubs growing among grasses. If these ideas are supported, it will help to explain why grass invasions have such a transformative effect on California ecosystems.
The Effects of Shrub Cover Presentation
Dr. Anna L. Jacobsen
"Plant biology research in anatomy: The ecology and evolution of California plants"
Plant anatomy, which examines the structures, cell types, and tissues of plants, is key to understanding how plants develop, grow, function, and respond to stresses. During this summer program, our research team will read and discuss scientific literature to develop a group project that examines a plant structure hypothesis. Students will be involved in the selection of the research topic and formulation of a hypothesis, designing an experiment, and completing the proposed research. The project will be completed as a collaborative lab team composed of undergraduate students, graduate students, and the faculty mentor. Potential summer projects include: 1) analyzing the vascular connections between leaves and stems, 2) linking plant traits to summer water-stress mortality risk, and 3) reconstructing past local climate based on analysis of annual growth rings in trees.
Leaf Vessel Length and Leaf-Stem Connections Presentation
Dr. Kane R. Keller
"Bracken fern effects on species interactions and biodiversity"
Developing a thorough understanding of the diverse mechanisms by which species interactions can affect ecological communities remains necessary for effective conservation and restoration activities. Bracken fern, Pteridium aquilinum, is a widespread, highly competitive, and ecologically dominant species that even produces a variety of secondary chemical compounds. This species is also becoming more abundant within its range, perhaps exacerbated by anthropogenic changes. Due to the potential for long-lasting effects on ecological communities, our research will explore how variation in bracken fern physical and chemical traits influences species interactions as well as how this can alter biodiversity and the establishment of species of conservation concern. We will be performing lab-based and field research, which will include the opportunity for visits to field sites in giant sequoia groves of the Sierra Nevada mountains. Students will learn a mixture of skills and techniques, such as: performing ecological experiments; biochemical assays; assessing biodiversity; how to critically read scientific literature; and gaining experience in data collection and analysis. This research will provide insight into our understanding of how a dominant plant species affects species interactions and diversity within communities, and even our ability to manage, conserve, and restore species that are increasingly threatened by anthropogenic activities.

Dr. Mostafa Abdelrehim
"Cooling Power Waste Evaluation Resulting from Malicious Thermal Measurements in Multicore Processors"
The student researchers will conduct a series of experiments in the field of energy security to a level that matches the experience of the undergraduate student. To model a data center with local and centralized cooling we will use Raspberry Pi 4 Model B, a Geek Pi ICE Tower Cooler, 2 Power Meters, IoT Power Relay, and a disk fan. The scenario of the experiment that mimics data center cooling is as follows: First, we set a small script that performs two main functions 1) runs stress workload for 10 min on the raspberry pi and 2) monitors the temperature of raspberry pi cores thermal sensors. In case the thermal sensor reading was higher than 80oC the script will trigger a logic 鈥1鈥 on the PIN connected to the IoT power relay to turn on the desk fan. Since the raspberry is a very low power board the ICE Tower heatsink will be enough to cool it down and it is not likely that the temperature to reach the 80oC limit in most processors. To model the thermal sensor attack and its effect on cooling power the student will remove the ICE Tower heatsink completely. The internal heatsink is usually controlled by the internal DTM modules in data center processors. Therefore, removing the heatsink is a way to mimic a DTM that does not respond to the heat up due to misreported temperature from a malicious sensor. Following the same steps of the previous experiment, this time the temperature is expected to rise to the 80oC threshold and the disk fan will eventually turn on mimicking the centralized cooling power of data centers. The student will record the power meter reading for 10 min with a 1 min interval and compare the results on an excel sheet before and after the attack modeling. This will show the students how energy can be increased unnecessarily due to energy security attacks.

Dr. Sungwook Hong
"Computational Modeling and Simulations of Complex Chemical Systems for STEM Learning"
As society has become a highly technological and scientific knowledge- based global entity, it is important to prepare students with STEM-based skills and knowledge. Unfortunately, some students have shown poor performance in chemistry owing to the nature of complexity in chemical processes. Computational modeling and simulations are generally used to represent the dynamics process of objects and system modeled. In particular, a molecular dynamic (MD) is a powerful computer simulation tool that allows us to describe chemical reactions of atoms/molecules (e.g., combination and decomposition) at an atomic level. The MD simulation has been widely used in the science and engineering field for reaction processes. In this project, we aim to model and simulate complex nanostructured systems as follows: 1) hydrocarbon oxidation for liquid-based fuel applications; 2) metal nanoparticle oxidation for solid-fuel rocket; 3) novel materials synthesis for electronics applications. Students will computationally design the chemical systems and run MD simulations using individual computers. The MD results will be thoroughly discussed under supervision of Dr. Hong. The overall goal of this project is to let students have experience in computational design and discovery of novel materials for energy-transfer applications. At the end of 4-week program, it is expected that students will learn about a basic skill of computational modeling and simulations as well as the students will be armed with a thorough physical/chemical intuition for the reaction processes of complex chemical systems, which will strengthen their STEM knowledge.

Dr. Dayanand Saini
"A Direct Contact Steam Generation-Based Process and Engineering Design for Generating Pressurized but CO2-free Steam"
Direct contact steam generation (DCSG) is a highly efficient method for generating pressurized steam for various industrial applications, including power generation. The conventional DCSG processes use fuel sources (e.g., natural gas), air, and freshwater to generate pressurized steam at almost 100% combustion efficiency. However, due to the inherent nature of the method, non-condensable gases such as carbon dioxide (CO2) and nitrogen(N2), which are the byproduct of the combustion process, also end up in the resultant pressurized steam stream. In this project, participating students will get hands-on experience working on an innovative DCGS process and engineering design conceived by the project director (Dr. Saini) for generating a pressurized but CO2-freestream of steam. The proposed approach and engineering design aim to overcome the critical drawback of the currently available DGSG technologies for generating a pressurized but CO2-free steam stream without compromising process efficiency. The students will be provided an opportunity to learn the theory and working principles of Dr. Saini鈥檚 process and engineering design for building a functioning bench-scale prototype. They will perform a techno-economic analysis of the process and engineering design if time permits.

Dr. Zhongzhe Liu
"Improving Forest Management: Steam Hydrogasification of Hazardous Woody Fuel for Energy and Resource Recovery"
Forestry states such as California have a fire-prone natural system during the wildfire season. These states need to manage their natural systems wisely for public safety and environmental benefit. Tree trimming and man-made firebreak (i.e. fuel break) are efficient methods to slow or stop the progress of a wildfire. However, a large amount of woody biomass (remnants from forest treatments including both trees and woody plants) is generated from these forest management activities. Woody biomass is not utilized effectively as a renewable source because it is usually land filled. Hence, a sustainable solution to improving forest management is demanded.
Steam hydrogasification reaction (SHR)is a patented high-efficiency and self-sustainable thermochemical technology that can convert carbonaceous materials into renewable energy and fuels. SHR process does not need external hydrogen and water supply (i.e. internal recycle) except for the startup. The Department of Energy National Energy Technology Laboratory has performed an in-depth techno-economic analysis of the SHR process and confirmed that the SHR process has the potential for 12% higher efficiency at 18% lower capital costs compared to other state-of-the-art gasification technologies. In this project, the SHR technology will be used to convert hazardous woody fuel to methane-rich synthesis gas, which can be further upgraded to synthetic natural gas or other renewable fuels. A labscale gasification system will be used to treat different types of woody biomass. Outcomes: Undergraduate research assistants will learn how to do a thorough literature review of related gasification technologies. Students will be trained on operating a lab-scale high temperature and pressure thermochemical conversion system(i.e. lab-scale gasification system). They will run all the gasification tests using this lab-scale system independently to gain hands-on experience as a process engineer. Meanwhile, students will conduct product collection (gas and solid), product yield calculation, and gas composition analysis as a chemical engineer. In addition, the preliminary data from this project will be used to publish an article in a reputable journal such as Renewable Energy and Waste Management.

Dr. David Gove
"Connecting 3-D printing, Visualization, Optical Illusions, Vectors, Matrices, and Combinatorics"
Visualization refers to how we see the three-dimensional world by projecting images onto two-dimensional surfaces (e.g. the backs of our eyeballs). The group will study how to reverse this projection in order to find multiple objects that are all perceived in the same way 鈥 making it possible for us to create optical illusions. Combinatorics is the study of how many ways there are to satisfy given criteria. A typical example (that we will solve) is to find how many ways the numbers from 1 to 10 can be rearranged so that no number is in its original place. Vital tools in both visualization and combinatorics problems include familiarity with vectors and matrices. Project Resource Needs: We will be doing much of our work with the Software Package SAGE 鈥 a mini-course license will be around $150. Also, after our calculations, I expect to use the FAB-LAB 3-D printers to build some of our calculated objects. Other needs will be in the form of various texts.

Dr. Katie O鈥橲ullivan
"Searching for pieces of the lunar mantle in a lunar meteorite"
Throughout the Moon鈥檚 approximately 4.5-billion-year history it has been bombarded by a litany of impactors, as clearly evidenced by its heavily cratered surface. Occasionally, a sufficiently sized impact event may eject lunar crustal material at speeds capable of escaping lunar gravitation influence. The ejected material may then fall into the gravitational field of the Earth and eventually land somewhere on its surface in the form of a lunar meteorite. Through careful analysis of a lunar meteorite sample, many insights can be gained about lunar mineralogic & elemental distributions as well as the crystallization and thermal evolution of the parent magma that the crystals within it originated from. Of particular interest to lunar scientists is the nature and composition of the lunar mantle. This project aims to identify pieces of the lunar mantle within a recently acquired lunar meteorite. This meteorite was recovered from Northwestern Africa and has not yet been analyzed in detail. Students will have an exclusive first look at the meteorite by using a petrographic microscope to find and identify olivine crystals in 19 lunar thin sections. Thin sections will be photographed and examined in detail using Adobe Photoshop. Lunar mantle pieces will then be analyzed in future studies and Master鈥檚 projects. In this project students will learn to use a petrographic microscope and the Adobe Photoshop program. Students will become familiar with lunar geologic history, geologic maps, and how such data is acquired. You do not need previous experience with a petrographic microscope to take part in this exciting project.
Past Projects
Find SURE projects from previous years at the links below: