Minor in Psychology
Some majors at ÂãÁÄÖ±²¥ may require an accompanying minor in a different discipline. Psychology can be that minor.
A minor allows students to explore an area of study beyond the exposure they receive within the university's general education requirements. Some students choose a minor that complements their major (e.g., a Criminal Justice major who minors in Psychology to understand the science behind criminal profiling). A second common use of a minor is for personal development or passion for a discipline that is not your major (e.g., an Accounting major who minors in Psychology to better understand the psychological disorders that affect members of his family).
The Minor in Psychology Consists of Four Courses (12 Units)
- PSYC 1018 Explorations in Psychology (or Intro Psychology from another institution)
- One course from:
- PSYC 2230 Biological Psychology (a lower division course from another institution may count)
- PSYC 2250 Lifespan Development (a lower division course from another institution may count)
- PSYC 3210 Principles of Learning
- PSYC 3220 Sensation and Perception
- PSYC 3240 Cognitive Psychology
- PSYC 3250 Child Psychology
- PSYC 3260 Social Psychology
- PSYC 3270 Abnormal Psychology
- PSYC 3280 Personality
- Two upper division, graded, 3-unit Psychology electives (which may be selected from the list above)
The minor must be approved by the department chair.
Note: All prerequisite, major, and minor courses must be completed within the 10 years prior to graduation. Courses that are more than 10 years old must be recertified.
Declaring Your Minor
When you are ready to declare a Psychology minor, please contact Penny Whitson: pwhitson@csub.edu. Also please make an appointment with an advisor at Psycadvising@csub.edu to discuss the classes you would like to include in your minor.