The Rock offers free, regularly-scheduled clinics to teach you more advanced climbing skills. Clinics include Belay Clinics and Lead Climbing Clinics. Visit our Rec Store for more information on our clinics.
Belay and Lead Clinics
The Rock Wall offers Belay Clinics and Lead Clinics throughout the year free of charge to students and its members. These clinics are designed to help participants learn and develop both basic and more advanced climbing skills used in climbing. These clinics are kept small to allow for more of a one-on-one learning experience with our instructors. Participants can register prior to the event or the day of the clinic, either sign up at the front desk or at The Rock desk.
Belaying is the act of controlling the amount of rope a climber has while they are climbing. Learning how to belay safely is one of the most important skills anyone can learn when it comes to climbing.
Our Belay Clinics will teach participants the skills required to safely belay in our facility. Participants that go through the belay clinic will have to practice their newly learned skills a certain number of times prior to being tested.
Stop by our Fall 2024 Belay Clinics!
![Fall 2024 Belay Clinic Schedule](/campusrec/_images/Rock-F24-Belay-Schedule.png)
![Fall 2024 Lead Clinics Schedule](/campusrec/_images/Rock-F24-Lead-Schedule.png)
Lead Climbing is a more advanced form of climbing that we offer to our participants. Our Lead Clinics cover the skills required to both safety lead climb and lead belay in our facility.
Participants will have two weeks after the clinic to practice the skills they learned prior to being tested. Participants who pass our lead test will be allowed to use these skills in our facility.
Participants must be checked off to belay checked prior to taking this clinic.
Stop by our Fall 2024 Lead Clinics!