For admissions-type inquiries, please send an email to or call (661) 654-3036. While at peak or high call volumes, you may reach the voicemail of an admission staff member. Please leave a brief detailed message with your name and ÂãÁÄÖ±²¥ ID (if assigned), phone number, and the nature of your call.
If you are an incoming student needing to submit transcripts or documents related to your application, submit them to:
Via Mail:
CSU Bakersfield
Office of Admissions, 47SA
9001 Stockdale Highway
Bakersfield, CA 93311
Via Email:
Please include your ÂãÁÄÖ±²¥ ID in the subject line or message of your email.
Admissions Appeal
Admission decisions are based on the evaluation of the information reported on your Cal State Apply admission application, and/or received academic records which results in a provisional admissions decision. Students may appeal if their academic credentials (test scores and/or grades) initially reported have changed or if they wish to explain an extenuating circumstance that may have affected their ability to meet admissions requirements resulting in a denial decision. Other submissions of an appeal may be related to a missed deadline or other supporting documents not received.