If you decide to leave ÂãÁÄÖ±²¥, you must follow the Withdrawal from the Term Policy as outlined in the . If a problem prevents you from completing an official withdraw form, contact the University Registrar in the Admissions and Records Office at (661) 654-3036. If you need to withdraw for personal, medical, or other reasons, please obtain the appropriate Withdrawal Form from the ÂãÁÄÖ±²¥ Admissions and Records Office (AR) and follow the instructions on that form to complete the withdrawal process.
Date of Withdrawal
The date of withdrawal, for purposes of this policy, will be the date you begin the withdrawal process, or the date, as determined by ÂãÁÄÖ±²¥, that you otherwise notified the ÂãÁÄÖ±²¥ Admissions and Records Office (AR) in writing or verbally, of your intent to withdraw from all courses. If you drop one or more classes, but do NOT completely withdraw from the University, contact your Financial Aid Counselor about possible impacts on aid to be received.
Students who use the PeopleSoft Self-Service system to drop all their classes, will be regarded as having withdrawn as of the date of dropping the last class (even if they do not comply with the campus's formal withdrawal procedure). Please note that although the campus computer system may allow you, during certain portions of a term, to drop all your classes, THAT IS NOT THE FORMAL OR APPROVED PROCESS FOR WITHDRAWAL FROM ÂãÁÄÖ±²¥ for any term.
Unofficial Withdrawal
In the absence of an official withdrawal date, the midpoint of the term will be used. Unofficial withdrawals are identified as Title IV aid recipients who received all "WU" grades for the term. The "WU" grade is defined as an unauthorized incomplete or unofficial withdrawal.
Under the University's grading policy, a grade of "WU" indicates that a student enrolled for a course did not officially withdraw from the course or failed to complete the course requirements. It is used when, in the opinion of the instructor, completed assignments or course activities, or both, are insufficient to make a normal evaluation of academic performance possible. It is also used to identify students who did not officially withdraw from the course but ceased attending class and doing class work prior to the deadline date for official withdrawals. For GPA computation, this symbol is equivalent to an "F."
Calculation of Earned and Unearned Financial Aid
Title IV aid recipients who completely withdraw from ÂãÁÄÖ±²¥ will be subject to a pro-rata calculation of "earned" Title IV aid based on the withdrawal date and the requisite return of Title IV funds to the appropriate accounts. Responsibility for repayment of these funds will be shared by ÂãÁÄÖ±²¥ and you, according to policies and procedures contained within the federal formula for pro-rata refunds of unearned Title IV aid.
The portion of unearned Title IV funds that must be repaid by you and ÂãÁÄÖ±²¥ is calculated by the Financial Aid and Scholarship Office. Students considering withdrawal, may request a preliminary calculation of Refund and Repayment by scheduling an appointment with a financial aid advisor.
The percentage of earned Title IV funds, excluding Federal Work-Study, is based on the number of calendar days you completed before withdrawing, divided by the number of calendar days in the term. Breaks in enrollment of five consecutive calendar days or more are excluded from the number of calendar days in the term. No repayment of Title IV funds will be required for withdrawals occurring after the 60% point of the term.
Withdrawal BEFORE the first day of classes of a term, but AFTER you have received payment for that term, requires 100 percent repayment of all funds paid to the student, including student loans of any kind. If you are required to repay a portion of your aid due to having withdrawn, you will need to discuss options for repayment with the ÂãÁÄÖ±²¥ Student Financial Services Office.
Important Note: Financial Aid Withdrawal Calculations by the ÂãÁÄÖ±²¥ Office of Financial Aid & Scholarships are separate from the Fee Calculations by the ÂãÁÄÖ±²¥ Student Financial Services Office (Bursar). A student who withdraws may not owe a balance to the university but may still owe all or part of their student loans to their lender.
Post-Withdrawal Disbursements
Post-withdrawal disbursement determination will be made by the Office of Financial Aid and Scholarship and coordinated for credit or repayment with Student Financial Services.
Distribution of Unearned Financial Aid
Federal Work-Study funds paid to recipients will not be included in the computation of earned Title IV aid, nor will these funds be refunded to the federal account from which they were paid.
Unearned Title IV grants and loan funds due from ÂãÁÄÖ±²¥ will be repaid to the federal accounts for the specified term. Unearned portions of Title IV grant aid due from you will also be repaid to the federal accounts by ÂãÁÄÖ±²¥. All repayments made by ÂãÁÄÖ±²¥ pursuant to this policy will be charged to your student account for collection from you.
Institutional Refund Policy
The state university tuition fee refund policy indicates that a student who drops all classes on or after the first day of the term up to the 60% point of the term will receive a pro-rata financial credit of registration tuition fees and tuition (if applicable). If classes are dropped or a student withdraws after the 60% point of the term, there will be no financial credit of tuition fees. Students who are unable to continue a class due to compulsory military service may be granted an exception to this policy.
Students who withdraw due to extenuating circumstances beyond their control may apply for a ÂãÁÄÖ±²¥ fee refund through the Student Financial Services Office by completing a .
Treatment of Non-Federal Financial Aid
Recipients of non-Title IV federal aid who drop out or withdraw from all their classes prior to the completion of 60% of the term will have a prorated portion of the total amount of aid received from those sources applied back to the accounts from which they were awarded. The prorated portion of aid to be credited back shall be determined according to the same policy used within the institutional refund policy. Aid received from private sources external to the institution, or credit balances of less than $5, will not be subject to this policy.