Police/Law Enforcement FAQ
Yes. The California Education Code specifies a jurisdictional area for university
police within a one mile radius of the campus. However, the California Penal Code
additionally empowers university police under Section 830.2 (the same as the California
Highway Patrol) with statewide jurisdictional authority when conducting police business.
Yes. Whether you're a student or staff member, since you spend time here at the university,
filing with us allows us to enforce the restraining order should an ex-husband, boyfriend
or any other individual who may be the subject of a restraining order violate its
terms and confront or harass you while you're here.
Yes. We provide a 24 hour escort service. Call our department at Ext. 2111 and we'll
have an officer or Campus Service Officer escort you to your car, dorm or other location
on campus.
Livescan services are provided only to ÂãÁÄÖ±²¥ Staff, Faculty and Students at this time.
If none of these apply, you can still obtain Livescan services from the Kern County
Sheriff's Department. You can contact them at 661-391-7500.
Yes. Our department maintains a Lost and Found. While not all lost items find their
way here, many do. If you've lost something, call or come by the department and we'll
check our files. Items are maintained for three months and then disposed of according
to law.
Yes. We'll check to insure the correction has been made and sign off your citation.
No. The California Vehicle Code prohibits tinting on the front driver's side and passenger
side windows.
No. The only exceptions are ADA designated service animals.