I affirm that I will use any funds I receive under the Federal Pell Grant, Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grant, Federal Work-Study, Federal Stafford Student Loan, or Federal PLUS programs solely for expenses related to attendance at California State University, Bakersfield.
I understand that I am responsible for repaying any funds that I receive which cannot reasonably be attributed to meeting my educational expenses at ÂãÁÄÖ±²¥, Bakersfield. I further understand that the amount of any repayment is based on the regulations published by the Secretary of Education. I also affirm that I do not owe a refund on a Pell Grant, or a Supplemental Grant, nor am I in default on a Perkins Loan, Federally Insured, Guaranteed, Stafford, SLS or PLUS previously received at this or any other post-secondary institution, and have not borrowed more than the loan limits under the Title IV programs at any institution.
I understand that I may need to provide documentation before I receive a financial aid award, if my FAFSA is selected for verification. Verification is the process of confirming the accuracy of information reported by you and your parents or spouse on the . I certify under penalty of perjury that all information pertaining to my household size, family members who are or will be attending post-secondary institutions during the academic year pertaining to my aid application, and all information pertaining to my resources, is correct and reflects any changes that may have occurred since application. Verification.
I understand financial aid awards for Undergraduate and Post-Baccalaureate Teacher Credential students are based on full-time enrollment. To be eligible for most types of financial aid disbursements, students must have at least half-time enrollment by term. Undergraduate, 2nd Bach, or Credential students >= 6 units, Masters >= 3 units. Students with less than half-time enrollment are NOT eligible for financial aid disbursements, with the exception of a less than half-time Pell grant award (if eligible). Enrollment Requirements.
I understand that on Census Day, which typically occurs at ÂãÁÄÖ±²¥ in the third week of each term, the OFA&S will recalculate student financial aid awards (specifically for the Federal Pell Grant, Cal Grant and State University Grant funds) based on changes in your enrollment. If you have dropped units after receiving aid, this may result in a reduction in your award and a balance on your account. I understand that, by federal regulation, units added to my enrollment after Census Day can NOT be counted in determining my financial aid eligibility (including registration after Census Day for late start classes, Add Slip delays, etc.). Census Day Repackaging
I understand that if I cease attendance after receipt of financial aid funds, I may be required to repay all or part of the funds received. I understand that if I decide not to attend ÂãÁÄÖ±²¥, I must formally withdraw from the University. Withdrawal Policy.
I understand that I must meet Satisfactory Academic Progress guidelines to receive financial aid. Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) for students includes a qualitative component, quantitative component (referred to as the student's Pace), and maximum unit/time frame.
I understand that this award is contingent upon final approval and receipt of funds from Federal and State agencies, and it is valid only if I am enrolled as a student at ÂãÁÄÖ±²¥, Bakersfield during the period(s) covered by the award.
I understand that my financial aid cannot exceed my Cost of Education, and that if I am receiving other aid specifically earmarked for fees (e.g., Cal Grant, Athletic Grant Fee Awards, Fee Waivers, etc.), that any State University Grant (SUG) I am awarded will be reduced accordingly. Cost of Attendance
I understand State University Tuition Fees are subject to change by the CSU Board of Trustees. Our additional Campus-Based Tuition Fees are subject to change by recommendation of the ÂãÁÄÖ±²¥ Campus-wide Fee Committee and approval by the ÂãÁÄÖ±²¥ President.
If I am a transfer student with Cal Grant eligibility, I understand that it is my responsibility to notify the that I will be attending ÂãÁÄÖ±²¥ in a timely manner so that Cal Grant eligibility appears on the ÂãÁÄÖ±²¥'s Cal Grant eligibility roster. If I fail to notify CSAC of the change in school, and do not appear on ÂãÁÄÖ±²¥'s Cal Grant roster by the end of the academic year (June 30th), I should contact CSAC to find out about requesting a Cal Grant award Leave of Absence for the terms in which I did not receive Cal Grant funds so that my award eligibility is not canceled for future terms.
I authorize ÂãÁÄÖ±²¥, Bakersfield to deduct payment of tuition, registration fees, current year room and board due to the institution, and any other university debt from my financial aid award disbursement [including any grants (including Cal Grant B stipend if applicable), scholarships, and/or Federal Student/Parent Loans]. I understand that to revoke my authorization (i.e., opt out) I will need to contact the ÂãÁÄÖ±²¥ Office of Financial Aid & Scholarships in writing before my aid is disbursed and that I will be responsible for paying any outstanding university debt on my account immediately.
I understand the fastest and most reliable way to receive my financial aid refund is to sign up for direct deposit. You can enroll in direct deposit by simply logging into your and clicking on "Enroll in Direct Deposit" under the "Finance" section and entering your checking/savings account information.
If I am attending two schools, I understand that I can receive aid at only one school. I must report this in writing to the ÂãÁÄÖ±²¥ Office of Financial Aid & Scholarships.
I have been made aware of the .
I understand that I must give consent, if I wish a third party to have access to my financial aid information. This can be done by logging into your and completing the FERPA release authorization.
By accepting my financial aid award, I have indicated my acceptance or rejection of financial aid funds, and I have read and accepted the terms and conditions which apply to the awards.
Code of Conduct
The Higher Education Opportunity Act (HEOA) of August 14, 2008 includes provisions that campuses participating in Title IV programs publish an employee code of conduct, which describes prohibited practices related to student loan programs. Prior to the HEOA provisions, the CSU coded memorandum "Student Loan Programs - Administrative Safeguards" (AA-2007-12) dated May 3, 2007, had been the standard CSU campuses followed.
To avoid any conflict of interest with the responsibilities of a CSU employee with respect to student loans, the CSU Code of Conduct prohibits the following:
- Revenue sharing arrangements with any lender.
- The solicitation or acceptance of gifts from a lender, guarantor or servicer by anyone with responsibilities with respect to loans at the institution.
- Receipt of any fees, payments or other financial benefits (including a stock purchase option) by anyone with responsibilities with respect to loans from a lender as compensation for any type of consulting arrangement or contract to provide services to a lender or on behalf of a lender relating to education loans.
- The assignment of a first-time borrower's loan to a lender or refusing to certify or otherwise delay certification of any loan regardless of the lender or guaranty agency the borrower selects.
- The acceptance of any funds to be used for private education loans in exchange for the institution providing concessions to the private lender.
- Requesting or accepting assistance with call center staffing or financial aid office staffing from any lender.
- Any employee with responsibilities with respect to financial assistance at the institution who serves on an advisory board or commission of a lender or guarantor may not accept anything of value from the lender or guarantor except reimbursement for the reasonable expenses of serving on the board or commission.
According to federal regulations, public institutions must disclose certain information to prospective and enrolled students, parents, and employees. Federal Regulations mandate that this notice of required disclosures be provided to all enrolled students on an annual basis and be made available to all prospective students.
Graduation Rate
Retention, persistence, and graduation rates are available on our
Loan Default Rate
The provides official student loan cohort default rates by school. For schools having 30 or more borrowers entering repayment in a fiscal year, the school's cohort default rate is the percentage of a school's borrowers who enter repayment on certain Federal Family Education Loans (FFELs) and/or William D. Ford Federal Direct Loans (Direct Loans) during that fiscal year and default (or meet the other specified condition) within the cohort default period.
How much would my monthly loan payments be based on these averages? Check out our and find out!
For more information, please contact our Direct Loan Coordinator, Ms. Cristina Alexander, by email at calexander@csub.edu.
Reporting Fraud
Allegations of fraud, especially involving students receiving federal Title IV student financial aid, are taken very seriously by the ÂãÁÄÖ±²¥ Office of Financial Aid, as well as by the U.S. Office of Inspector General. If we suspect that a student, employee, or other individual has misreported information and/or altered documentation to increase his/her student aid eligibility, or to fraudulently obtain federal funds, our office will conduct a preliminary investigation by reviewing the student's file for inconsistencies in income and other information provided by the student. We will also review any evidence provided by the accuser. Upon the conclusion of our preliminary investigation, if we suspect or have reason to believe that the student "knowingly and willfully embezzled, misapplied, stole, obtained by fraud, false statement or forgery, or failed to refund any funds, assets, or property, " we will forward the information via referral to the ÂãÁÄÖ±²¥ University Police and the U.S. Office of Inspector General. If found guilty, such acts are punishable by fines, imprisonment, or both.
Examples of Financial Aid Fraud may include, but are not limited to:
- FAFSA fraud
- Falsification of entrance exams
- Falsification of GEDs/high school diplomas
- Falsification of attendance
- Falsification of grades
- Loan theft/forgeries
- Falsification of identity
The government, campus community, students, and public are all vital partners in assisting us to ensure that federal, state, and institutional funds, assets, and property are safeguarded, and operate in a sound and effective manner for the benefit of public education. All information reported is confidential. If you suspect fraud, please contact the ÂãÁÄÖ±²¥ Director of Financial Aid and Scholarships. You may also obtain additional information about fraud from the .