Below you can find information on reporting car accidents, hazards, injuries etc. at 裸聊直播, Bakersfield.
For emergencies, contact the University Police Department at (661) 654-2111 or dial 911 from any campus telephone.
If Faculty and Staff is injured on the job, employees should report incidents to their
supervisor and the Human Resources Department to fill out all necessary paperwork for work related injuries. If there is an immediate
emergency, employees are to get the best treatment available and then report the injury
to the appropriate supervisor and the Human Resources Department as quickly as possible. Based upon the nature of the incident/accident, Risk Management will investigate and
may provide recommendations or request repairs, notify insurers, and ensure full documentation
of the incident for purposes of prevention of future injuries and for managing any
claims that may result. Students, visitors, and others should report incidents and/or accidents by contacting University Police at (661) 654-2667. Students should report to the Faculty supervising during the time
of the incident if the incident occurs during class or laboratory session. Risk Management
will follow up with the responsible University staff regarding the reported Accident/Incident. Student and visitors should file a Campus Incident Report. Based upon the nature of the incident/accident, Risk Management will investigate
and may provide recommendations or request repairs, notify insurers, and ensure full
documentation of the incident for purposes of prevention of future injuries and for
managing any claims that may result. The driver of a University, State-owned, or rental vehicle involved in an accident
will record all pertinent information on the Accident Identification Card, Std. Form 269 before leaving the scene of the accident. If another vehicle is involved, the appropriate
portion of the Std. Form 269 will be detached and given to the driver of the other vehicle. Blank Accident Identification
Cards should be found in the glove compartment of each University or State-owned vehicle,
as outlined in Use of University and Private Vehicles Guidelines. A claim against the 裸聊直播 or one of its campuses must be filed
with the CSU Office of Risk Management after the incident or event occurred, along
with a $25 claim filing fee made out to 鈥淭rustees of CSU.鈥 Completed claims must be
delivered or mailed to: The CSU Office of the Chancellor 401 Golden Shore, 5th Floor Be sure your claim is against the CSU, not another public entity. If the claim involves
another state agency, the claim should be filed with the. If the claim involves a county, city or other local governmental entity or employee,
the claim should be filed directly with the local city or county鈥檚 governing board
or clerk. Claimants are not required to use the CSU Claim Form so long as they provide the following
information: The claim shall be signed by the claimant or by some person on his/her behalf and
must be filed with the CSU Office of Risk Management within six months after the incident
or event occurred along with a $25 claim filing fee made out to 鈥淭rustees of CSU.鈥
Completed claims must be delivered or mailed to the address above.
Risk Management
Long Beach, CA 90802-4210