Employee Awards
ATTENTION: The 2024 Service Awards have concluded.
President Harper and his cabinet honor staff and faculty for their years of service and continued dedication to CSU, Bakersfield.
The 2024 Service Awards will take place on Wednesday, May 15, 2024, in the Dore Theatre
from 1 PM - 3 PM.
For any questions regarding the awards, please contact HR at hr@csub.edu.

Frequently Asked Questions
The awards are determined by your original hire date and each year our cut off date is June 30.
e.g. If you were hired on July 1, 2019 then you will be receiving your 5 year award at the 2025 Service Awards Ceremony because you were hired after our cutoff date of June 30.
Please note: if you had a significant break in service then your years of service may be affected. Please send an email to rsvpServiceAwards@csub.edu immediately. Our team will review and respond to you promptly.
Please send an email to rsvpServiceAwards@csub.edu immediately. Our team will review and respond to you promptly.
Additionally, please check your spam/junk folders for an email sent by Bailey Freckleton bsmith44@csub.edu using the Qualtrics survey tool.
Please send an email to rsvpServiceAwards@csub.edu immediately. Our team will review and respond to you promptly.
If you had a significant break in service, then your years of service may be affected. Please reach out to us for further inquiries.
Please contact rsvpServiceAwards@csub.edu with your request or respond directly to the Qualtrics survey link that was emailed to you.
Please note: If you do not notify us by the April 5 deadline, we cannot guarantee that your preferred name or title will be printed on your award. The default printing is how your name appears in myHR/PeopleSoft.
Please contact rsvpServiceAwards@csub.edu with your request or respond directly to the Qualtrics survey link that was emailed to you.
If you have a preferred name or degree-earned title (example below) you would like printed on your award, please contact rsvpServiceAwards@csub.edu or respond to your Qualtrics survey by April 5.
Degree-Earned Examples:
Peoplesoft = Rowdy Roadrunner
Preferred = Rowdy Runner
Degree Prefix = Dr. Rowdy Roadrunner
Please note: If you do not notify us by the April 5 deadline, we cannot guarantee that your preferred name and title will be printed on your award. The default printing is how your name appears in myHR/PeopleSoft.
Yes, there will be a limited amount of designated parking spaces located in front of the Dore Theatre for guests attending the ceremony. Additionally, the parking lots A, B and C will be exempt from parking permit requirements for the duration of the ceremony and reception. Your guests will not be required to have a parking pass if they are parked in the A, B and C lots for the duration of the event.
As a reminder for your guests, all parking is on a first come first served basis, please plan accordingly.
Please contact:
Bailey Freckleton bsmith44@csub.edu x2322
rsvpServiceAwards@csub.edu for general event inquiries
Retirement Awards
Retirement Awards for 25 Years of Service
Retirement awards are available, through the State of California Department of General Services, for employees who have completed their 25th year of state service and are retiring. The State Program allows the University to provide the employee with a memento specifically relating to his/her state service and allows the cost of the award to be an approved expenditure against your general fund budget.
To order a retirement award, please submit a requisition to Procurement. Procurement will verify employee's years of service with Human Resources. Indicate the recipient's name and their choice of retirement award.
Contact Us
HR Hours:
Monday - Friday: 8:00 am - 5:00 pm
Office Location:
Mailing Address:
ÂãÁÄÖ±²¥, Bakersfield
9001 Stockdale Highway
Bakersfield, CA 93311-1099
Email: hr@csub.edu
Phone: (661) 654-2266
Fax: (661) 654-2299
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