Data Governance Advisory Council
Adopted TBD
Overview of the Committee
The intent of the Data Governance Advisory Council (DGAC) is to support the data governance framework, standards, and policies that will enhance the security, integrity, and consistency of the data as required for critical decision-making by California State University, Bakersfield (ÂãÁÄÖ±²¥). Council members shall be actively engaged in providing guidance and recommendations to the DGAC to best align the data governance direction and management efforts within the ÂãÁÄÖ±²¥ operational objectives.
The purpose of the DGAC is to create a best-in-class data management environment including:
- Ensuring the establishment, maintenance, and delivery of secure, confidential, trustworthy, stable, reliable, and accessible collections of institutional data for shared access by the ÂãÁÄÖ±²¥ community.
- Defining the roles and responsibilities for data collection, access, storage, security, and destruction and establish clear lines of accountability.
- Developing best practices for data management and security.
- Establishing a mechanism for documenting a data trail for data access and usage requests.
- Establishing standards or procedures for accessing, retrieving, reporting, managing, and storing data.
- Supporting utilization of data as an integral part of decision-making and delivery of services.
- Maximizing the value of the data asset by increasing the understanding and use of the data.
The objectives of the DGAC are to:
- Establish a Data Governance Committee (DGC) with defined objectives.
- Ensure DGC recommendations (to DGAC) have addressed DGC objectives.
- Approve/deny/modify DGC recommendations.
- Recommend (to Cabinet) allocation of resources in support of DGC recommendations.
- Support DGC communications of policies and procedures (as approved by DGAC)
- Support DGC implementation timelines (as approved by DGAC)
The membership of the DGAC shall consist of the following or their respective designee:
- Vice President for Business and Administrative Services/CFO (chair) – Thom Davis
- Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs (vice-chair) – James Rodriguez
- Vice President for Student Affairs – Thomas Wallace
- Vice President for University Advancement – Heath Niemeyer
- Dean of Arts and Humanities – Alicia Rodriguez
- Dean of Business and Public Administration – Debbie Cours
- Dean of Natural Sciences, Mathematics and Engineering – Jane Dong
- Dean of Social Sciences and Education – Luis Vega
- Dean of Extended Education and Global Outreach – Kristen Watson
- Dean of Antelope Valley – Elizabeth Adams
- Dean of Walter Stern Library – Sandra Bozarth
- Academic Senate Chair – Melissa Danforth
- Associated Students, Inc. President – Erin Pruitt
- DGC ex-officio – Associate Vice President and Chief Information Officer – Chris Diniz
- DGC ex-officio – Associate Vice President and Chief Assessment Officer – Monica Malhotra
Meeting Schedules
The meetings of the DGAC shall be at least once per year, with additional meetings scheduled as requested by the DGAC Chair.